Wednesday 2 September 2020

Courgettes Five Ways


I haven't posted anything lately as I was very busy with my allotment. This is my first year of having it and I am a complete beginner. So amongst reading gardening blogs, taking photos and watching 'Gardeners' World' every Friday, I was way too busy to learn than actually having the time to post. I won't be getting into details about successes and failures, but one of the unpredicted consequences was that I ended up with a prolific crop of courgettes. 

1. Courgette Compote - My Mum's Recipe

  • 1l water
  • 100ml vinegar
  • 1kg courgettes
  • 400g-500g sugar
  • 1 lemon


Cut the courgettes in small pieces and put them in a pot. Pur the water and vinegar and leave it for 24 hours. Next day, put the courgettes in 1l fresh water with the sugar (you can play with the quantities, depends how sweet you want the compote to be - you can put only 350g or more than 500g). Bring to the boil until the courgettes have a translucid colour then add the sliced lemon and bring to the boil one more time. Pour the compote into sterilized jars while still hot then wrap the jars in blankets for 2-3 days. You can eat it in about 3 weeks. Keep the jars in a dark and cool place. 

2. Courgette Chutney

For the chutney, I followed this recipe

3. Italian Antipasti

I followed this recipe and here are some step-by-step photos. 

4. Using Courgettes Instead of Pasta

Cut the courgettes in long and narrow pieces and boil them 'al dente'. Use them with any pasta sauce. 

5. Courgette Fritters 

Cut the courgettes into round pieces, season with salt and set aside for 30 min. Squeeze the excess water then drop the courgettes in flour and egg and fry them until golden brown. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and you will try at least one of the recipes. The compote is absolutely divine! x



  1. Qué bien tener una buena cosecha de calabacines, se pueden preparar de tantas formas diferentes y todas muy ricas.


    1. They are all delicious! Thank you for visiting.

  2. Such a lot of possibilities! I have a friend who has quite a lot of courgettes in her garden, I'll send her the link to see your ideas :-)
